HeARTburn 2023
HeARTburn is back for its SIXTH year! We are proud to rock the Bow Valley with heart beats, dance beats, community connection and creativity, again at ArtsPlace. Party with the local Bow Valley Burning Man community to celebrate You, LOVE & your neighbours at an eclectic dance & Valentine’s event with interactive art, performance, DJs, epic visuals, speed-connecting and beautiful people. Come dressed to impress in your best Burner regalia, craziest costume or just wear your heart on your sleeve, whatever you wear we want you there!
Tickets sold out in less than 10 minutes! Thank you once again for your overwhelming support!
Venue: artsPlace Canmore @ 950 – 8th Avenue, Canmore, Alberta T1W 2T1
Doors open at 7pm – we are STOKED to see you all!