HeartBurn Community Support

Hello heARTburners! Things have been quiet with our team since the dust (& glitter) has settled on heARTburn 2020 and like many we are mainly in touch online and electronically now.

Every year we give some of the proceeds towards a community organization and for the past few years we have been supporting Bow Valley Victim Services with an annual donation. This year, we decided to support the Eagle's Nest Stoney Family Shelter, a safe haven for victims of family violence with a $500 donation. We have also been able to give a $350 donation to BVVSA and we are happy to be able to spread the heARTburn love further through the Bow Valley. A big thank you to everyone who participated this year and helped us make these donations possible.

And our thoughts are with everyone in our community near and far while we weather out the pandemic. We are all saddened that we are unlikely to see you all out at summer festivals this year. We are looking for ways to be supportive, stay connected and bring more love, art and music to everyone. Stay tuned and stay in touch.

We hope to see you all and hug you all again at some point!